5 Types of Video to Stand Out From Competitors

February 22, 2022
Person walking down street with video camera filming over a wall

Did you know that there are a whole host of ways to use video to promote your brand? When creating a video for your business, you should be looking at all the different channels where it will be shown.

One of the best things about video is that you can repurpose and use it in a variety of ways to gain and maintain attention in a busy and competitive marketing environment. Here are our tips on how you can use video to stand out from your competitors. 

Expand User Knowledge with Explainer Videos

You might think that your audience knows exactly who you are and what you’re about but the reality may be quite different. Even if your industry is relatively well known, there are aspects of your brand, product or services that set you apart from others that are worth shouting about.

Creating an explainer video allows you to quickly and simply explain even the most complicated of ideas, in a way that resonates with your audience. Use it across all your social media platforms and your website to give your customers up to date and informative content.

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Captivate New Audiences With Social Ads

Reach new audiences or remind loyal followers why they love you. Social ads can spread your message with unlimited potential and reach. 

With over 50% of social media users preferring video content over other forms of media, and a massive 85% of social media users wanting more video content from brands (Sprout Social), there is no doubt that video is the best way to engage with your audience.

Video content can be set to target specific audience profiles, allowing you to tailor your media to certain demographics or retarget those who have previously engaged with your videos. This helps to increase the likelihood of interaction and overall campaign success.

Paid advertisements using video content tend to get more engagement than still images, so combine your advert with scroll-stopping content and create new relationships with those waiting to hear from you. Shout out about what you do!

Show Off Your Business With a Case Study Video

Whether you want to show off your latest project or have a killer client testimonial that’s too good not to share, a case study video can show the varied facets of your business, entity or organization.

Combine creative storytelling whilst ensuring your message doesn’t get confused or lost. Use a 360 approach, fantastic soundbites and remember that story is key and emotions are what sells.

Make Non-Attendees Envious With Event Videos

Tell people about your event, or make them so envious they won’t miss the next one. Your event video should be fully immersive

This can be done by rigging up multiple cameras, capturing time-lapses and unique perspectives as well as providing roaming operators capturing actuality in its detail and variety.

Back of a Bull & Wolf camera man in crew tshirt with camera on shoulder

Showcase Your Brand with Brand Promotional Videos

A picture says a thousand words. But how many does a video say?

According to McQuivey’s Forrester study, a video is worth 1.8 million words. Use the opportunity to tell your viewers more about who you are and what makes you unique with a brand promotional video.

Use it on your landing page, edit it, use it on your social media profiles. Your audience deserves to hear from you, and you deserve to shout out who you are.

Looking for a Corporate Video Production Company in Cornwall?

We help you break through the noise and reach those waiting to hear from you. We are expert storytellers, and can’t overstate how important storytelling is when it comes to making an impact. 

Ready to use video to cut through the noise? Book a free development call with us today to find out how we can help you.

Are You Ready to Tell Your Brand's Story?

There’s nothing we love more than discussing your ideas and exploring the possibilities of what we can achieve together. Get in touch today and discover how professional video can elevate your brand. This time next year you’ll be glad that you made the call today, we promise.